Three Trees

Adam and Eve were allowed to eat of any of the trees of the garden, but don't eat from the tree of knowledge of good and evil. All of the trees are messengers of Truth. In the midst of these messengers are the two specific trees: the Tree of Life and the tree of knowledge of good and evil.

  • The Tree of Life is the tree whose message is understood. A spiritual message needs to be interpreted to get the intended message.

  • The tree of knowledge of good and evil can have the same message. A teacher who teaches what he doesn't understand will teach it without interpretation and his teaching will be in error.

In short, this means: partake of the message from any of the teachers, but don't take them literally. Spiritual messages need to be interpreted. A parable or allegory is true in that the proper interpretation has a spiritual truth. Even though a parable is based on literal truth, the intended message is through interpretation. An allegory is a story that is told as if literally true, but the intended message is also in the interpretation.

Using the story of the garden of Eden as an example, the writer of the story is as a tree with the story as the fruit. We are allowed to partake of the story, but don't take it literally. When you understand and correctly interpret the story, it is as eating the fruit of the Tree of Life. If you take it literally, you are eating from the tree of knowledge of good and evil.

Partake of the message, but understand that you need to interpret in order to understand. Otherwise the story is error, falsehood, and lies.

Now, let's see how eating of the tree of knowledge of good and evil has resulted in three trees, and those three trees will again become one tree, the Tree of Life.

Trees become Tree

This painting illustrates things from the trees in Genesis along with what is said of the Tree of Life in the end of Revelation.

In Genesis there are the two specific trees, besides the other trees of the garden. Those two trees are only two because of and according to how you take the message. Genesis also has a river coming out of the garden, dividing into four heads.

In Revelation only the Tree of Life is mentiioned. It is in the midst of the street and on either side of the river of water of life. It reads as if the Tree of Life is one tree, yet in three places. The above painting shows what looks like one tree, yet in three places. It does a good job of illustrating the tree being in the midst of the street and on either side of the river. The other two rivers are formed by the wings of the seraph which has the sun as its head and the trunk of the middle tree as its body.

Eve ate from the tree of knowledge of good and evil and gave to Adam. They rejected the Tree of Life. They couldn't understand the message that needed interpretation. This is a timeless truth illustrated by the allegory. Error entered the world because of eating from the wrong tree. That error and lack of understanding is in each of the religions today.

The Jews, Christians, and Muslims each claim Abraham as their father. They each believe that they alone are God's people, and that the others are in disbelief and/or error. The above painting illustrates the three religions as three trees because of eating from the wrong tree. The Tree of Life that is in the midst of the street and on either side of the river, as if three trees. The three trees become one tree when they eat from the Tree of Life, which means eating with understanding. They will become one in agreement when they understand.

To clarify, Genesis only had two trees. One represented truth with understanding. The other represented error because of not understanding. In Revelation there is one tree in three places representing the three peoples claiming God through Abraham. They are three because they don't understand because of eating from the wrong tree. They will become one tree when they understand through eating from the Tree of Life.

We will see what it would take for the Jews, Christians, and Muslims to become one tree. They will need to transverge.